Sunday, December 30, 2012

Look there is 2013

We are slowly moving on to a new year, is it just me or has the excitement died through all these years? The only thing I'm excited for is probably the fiesta tomorrow. Otherwise I'm longing for Summerburst and of course the day when I'm turning 18.
I will go through the biggest things that happened 2012 when we enter the new year because 2012 isn't over yet!
 I don't have any new year's resolutions though I think that is a piece of crap. But I have a couple of dreams I want to fulfill before I die.


Every day I put a smile on my face and every day I remember why I have that smile. That smile represents how thankful I am for having the most amazing friends and family by my side. Then there are days when a person comes into my life and makes that smile disappear, why do I let these kinds of people in you probably think? Well that is just how it is. Once you let them in they will keep coming back. What I want to do the most is run, run as fast as I can and just leave my life and try a new one. As soon as that thought pops up I remember that you can not runaway from you problems, you have to face them. But what if I am a coward? What then?

   With this I wish you all the best in life. Goodnight guys.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bikinis all the way

/ 1. Matthew Williamson / 2. Gucci / 3. Gucci / 4. Matthew Williamson /

Found these awesome bikinis at Net-a-porter, I would love to take a swim in one of these next summer. I hope to find similar bikinis or swimsuits in stores this spring. I personally think that you don't have to spend lots of money on bikinis though they get all salty and bleached after the summer. I prefer to buy my bikinis at H&M or some other stores where they are not that expensive, of course I would never say no to a Matthew William's bikini or Gucci's. 


Clothes, food and friends

I have spent my day surrounded by clothes with sushi in my tummy. I had a lovely time with my dear friend Annie, we had so much to talk about. I came home around an hour ago and now I'm going to meet my friends for some dinner at M's place. It will be super fun!

Shine bright like a diamond

Around two weeks ago I got this cute bumper, its not maybe the best picture but as you can see the bumper is silver and has "holes" that look like diamonds. My phone shines like a diamond, right?

Anyways my family has gone to bed and I'm all alone in the dark watching Lost, which is btw one of my favorite series. Tomorrow I'm meeting Anna for some sushi and shopping, I have missed her so much.

Hope you all have had an amazing Christmas with family and friends, and you'll hear from me very soon again. XX

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas eve

Photo / mine

Christmas eve, what a wonderful day of the year. I have spent the whole day with my family, eating, watching movies and opening presents. I have had a smile on my face the whole day. I know many of you celebrate Christmas tomorrow but I want to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

I want to thank you all for visiting my blog almost everyday and for following me through my days. I am very glad to have you all around. Have a great Christmas everybody, because you are all worth it.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas is near

The smell of ginger cupcakes makes me feel like a child around Christmas. Our tree is up and it is all glittery, the present are wrapped and the Christmas feeling is growing every minute. Even though I'm sick I feel so happy for everything I have in my life, Christmas makes me a softy every year haha.
  As some of you know we celebrate Christmas the 24th of December here in Sweden. Gosh can't wait until tomorrow. I'm so excited.

Hope you all are fine and c'ya very, very soon. XX

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tough week

Hi there!

I'm sorry for the bad update. I have had much to do and I still have, whilst everyone else has started their winterbreaks my school still gives us assignments. I haven't had the time to take some inspiring pictures so I print screened my tumblr, you can check it out here. 

Anyways, I'm fine just a bit tired but it's only one day left and then I'm free as a bird. I really feel like I have deserved a nice break after all the hard work. Hope you all are okey and happy, remember that happiness is the most important thing in life.
I'm very happy even though I'm exhausted, I have to finish my essay and later I'll watch the great movie 'Love Actually' and perhaps wish that Father Christmas brings me a cute boyfriend this year? 

Oh well have to finish the damn essay now, have a nice evening my lovely friends. 


Saturday, December 15, 2012

TV, friends, meet up

Hejsan mina vänner!
Jag har varit lite borta de senaste dagarna men jag har inte känt att jag har mycket vettigt att blogga om. Men det blir ändring på det ska ni veta. Jag hade en jätte rolig fredags kväll, spenderade den med Annie och idag var jag ute och köpte julklappar, super kul! Kvällen spenderar jag tillsammans med min mor framför tvn, är inte sugen att gå ut i snöstormen utanför.
I morgon ska jag gå på Sam Peppers meet up i Gallerian, super duper kul! Bilder kommer. xx

/Hi friends! I have been a bit off these days, but I haven't felt like I have something to blog about. But that is going to change. I had a pretty awesome friday with my dear Annie, and today I have shopped christmas presents, super fun! I'll spend the night with my mother infront of the TV, I don't feel like going outside in the snowstorm. Tomorrow I'll go to Sam Peppers meet up, it'll be super fun. I'll take some pictures! xx/

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Music of the week

Thought it would be nice if I shared some music with you, so I decided to make something called 'Music of the week'. I'll not do it every week, more when I find some good music I want to share with you guys. So here you go, the lovely Benjamin Francis Leftwich. Hope you like it, and if you want to share some of your music with me just comment below and I'll check it out. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

My wishlist - No 2

My second wish this Christmas is these awesome sneakers. I saw them a month ago and it was love at first sight. Even though it is almost 5 meter snow outside I want these just because I know I'll use them all the time next spring. They are super cool and I love sneakers, I mean what isn't there to love?
So there is my second wish, there are not many wishes left.

P.s You can find them at

Saturday, December 8, 2012

My wishlist - No 1

Christmas is near and I thought I could share my personal wishes list with you. So I have thought much about things I want and it have come to my conclusion that I want small things like make up and hair products.
I really need a new mascara so I decided to put these two on my wishes list. I can't decide which one I want so my mum or sister has to decide which one they want to buy.
I have read a bit about them on the internet and they seem to be pretty good, so I thought why not?
If some one of my lovely readers uses one of them please comment below what you think of it.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

My weekend in pictures and words

Hallå där!
Snön har nått Stockholm och nästan hela Sverige, vissa gillar det och andra inte. Personligen tycker jag att det är lite mysigt dock lite väl kallt på kvällarna.
Den här helgen har varit hur mysig (använder ordet mysigt 100 gånger i det här inlägget jag vet, men allt är så mysigt nu) som helst, har fikat lite för många gånger och bara njutit av fina Stockholm. Julbelysningen är uppsatt och julmarknaden är i full gång, så fint.
Skulle dragit med bästa vän på en fest men jag var helt utmattad efter en hel dag ute i kylan. Det blev en underbar kväll igår i alla fall.
    Hoppas ni har haft det lika underbart som jag.

/Hi there! The snow has come to Sweden, some like it and others don't. I think it's kind of cozy, though a bit to cold at nights. This weekend has been really fun and super cozy (I use the word cozy 100 times in this post I know, but everything is soooo cozy), I have had too many coffee's with my friends and just enjoyed beautiful Stockholm. The  christmas lights are up in the whole city and the christmas fair is in full swing. I hope you have had a great weekend. XX/

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Olivia Palermo

En kändis som verkligen inspirerar mig till max är nog fina Olivia Palermo. Blandningen mellan casual och lite dressy har alltid fångat mitt intresse. Hon håller det alltid stilrent vilket jag verkligen älskar.

/ A celebrity that really inspires me the most is probably the lovely Olivia Palermo. 
  The mix between casual and dressy have always caught my interest. She is always keeping it stylish and I love that. /

Monday, November 26, 2012

Love playing around with my camera

Ny duschad och fräsch efter ett pass på gymmet, det behövdes verkligen. Finns inget bättre sätt att glömma jobbiga måndagar på, träning får mig att bli pigg och glad igen. 
Efter en relativt tuff dag med mycket bollar i luften har jag äntligen satt mig ner vid min kära dator. Lånade fish eye objektivet utav skolan idag så har haft lite kul med den som ni ser på bilden ovan. Inte kanske den fräschaste bilden men vem bryr sig. Puss på er.

/ Showered and fresh after a good workout at the gym, I really needed it. There isn't any better way to escape from monday-problems than a workout at the gym, love it, it makes me happy. 
After a pretty tough day with much going on I have finally settled down in front of my lovely computer. 
I lent a fish eye objective from school today, so I spent some quality time with it as you can see in the picture above. Maybe not the prettiest picture but w/e. XX /

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Jag har helt glömt bort att visa mina älsklingar för er. Köpte dessa för inte så jätte länge sen på Nelly, de är super sköna och jag klarade av en hel kväll i dom. Det var rena kapet då jag betalade cirkus 250 kr för dessa godingar.
  Jag valde att köpa dom i svart då de går att matcha bäst, jag vet att dessa kommer att vara med om mycket i sommar.

/ I have totally forgotten to show you my babies. Bought them not long ago at Nelly, they are super comfy and I managed to walk a whole night in them. They only cost me around 29€, which is pretty good for a pair of shoes in Sweden.
  I chose to buy them in black, just so I can match them with anything. I know they will come to a great use next summer. /

Saturday, November 24, 2012

We came, we raved, we loved

Svett, dans, glädje, rysningar, och musik som får mitt hjärta att vibrera av kärlek beskriver gårdagen för mig. Jag har haft en de bästa kvällarna i mitt liv, Swedish House Mafia behöver jag säga mer?
  Om de är några killar förutom kära Ben&Jerry som kan få mig att le är det fantastiska Ingrosso, Angello och Axwell. Tack killar för den underbaraste kvällen i mitt liv.
  Jag längtar till Summerburst som satan, fan vad det kommer bli fett. X

/ Sweat, dance, happiness, goosebumps and musik that made my heart vibrate of love that pretty much describes yesterday. I have had one of the best nights of my life, Swedish House Mafia do I even have to say more?
  I have discovered that there are other guys then lovely Ben&Jerry that can make me smile. Thank you guys for the most amazing night of my life. 

I'm so longing for Summerburst, it will be so freaking great. X /

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Hair products that I love

Hair products are something that every girl have, lately I have started too use more different products. 

When I was about 12 years old my hair started to become a bit curly, now I have some few curls. What really is a problem for me is not the curls, it's the frizz and how those curls become matted after every wash. Therefore I started using the products in the picture above. 

In may I started using Arganoil from Lee Stafford, I read much about it on the internet and I bought it few days later. Since then I have used it two times a week, maybe not every week but nearly. 
When I use this oil my hair becomes a bit smoother and attenuates frizz, it does not attenuate all frizz but at least some of it. Another thing I have noticed is that my hair grows faster, maybe that doesn't have anything to do with the oil but it's just something I have noticed. 

My curls are like animals, u have to tame them otherwise I will go with a nest on my head. 
For that reason I use Curls Rock from Catwalk by TIGI. My curls become smoother and it also helps curl up the parts of my hair that isn't that curly. 
It smells delicious, almost like candy and you don't have to use much of it at all. I have had mine for 2 years I think, though I don't use it very often.  

Another thing many girls wants is a good sea salt spray, I have found the right one. 
I love Toni&Guy's Beach Curl Spray, not just because it smells good but also because it gives a natural beach look that you want. 
You don't have to spray much to get a good beach-look. I use it very often and I'm satisfied with it. I agree that it cost a bit more then the cheap one from H&M, but trust me it's worth the money.

Then we have my best friend, the leave-in conditioner from Toni&Guy. I fell in love with it about 5 days ago when I found it in my bathroom cupboard. 
I have used it two times and I'm impressed, nothing has every made my hair less frizzy then this conditioner. 
What I do is that I wash my hair as usual with shampoo and balsam and then dry it a bit with my towel. Afterwards I take a bit of the leave-in conditioner on my palm and rub it against the other one, then I just apply it to the hair ends and voila it's done. 
My hair does feel softener and so much less frizzier, it's a saver and a real keeper. 

Hope you liked this post, comment if you want more tips. 

We are playing with the light today

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Best of today

Sitter på min första lektion som är Mediaproduktion, jag och min grupp väntar på att ha möte med våra lärare angående vårt projekt.
Annars är allt som det ska, jag är lite trött men glad idag.
Har lekt lite med designen här på bloggen, kändes som att det var på tiden. Jag trivs, hoppas ni också gör det! Headern planerar jag på att byta ut men det får vänta tills jag har tid. Ha en underbar dag!

/ My first lesson today is Media production (don't hate me but I don't know what it's called in english). Anyways everything is great, I'm a bit tired though. 
  As you can see I have changed the design on my blog. I think it's cute and I hope you like it too.  Have to change the header/banner though, but that has to wait./

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fun weekend

Hej snyggingar! 

Jag har haft en dunder bra helg, följt av bakning, film, födelsedagsfirande och sällskapsspel. Underbart att kunna spendera en hel helg med mina fina vänner. Har börjat göra något nytt, har tänkt filma varje helg och sedan klippa ihop det och publicera det varje söndag kväll. Vi får väl hoppas på att jag hinner klippa ihop den, har väldigt mycket matte att plugga. Hatar matte, usch. 

/ I have had an great weekend followed by, baking, movies, birthday celebration and parlor game. It's wonderful spending the whole weekend with my lovely friends. 
I have also started doing a new thing, I have been filming my whole weekend. Thought I could publish it every sunday evening. We'll see how that goes, though I have math to study. Hate math. 
Love /

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Lovely Spain

En av de absolut bästa resorna i mitt liv var min resa till Spanien. Minnen för livet helt klart.
Har precis tagit en kopp kaffe och ska börja skriva en tråkig novellanalys. Mitt liv är så intressant på vardagarna visst? Puss.

/ One of the best trips in my life was the trip to Spain. Memories for life. I have just made myself some coffe and now I have to write an novel analysis so fun, not. My life is so boring during the week.. X /

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What is health for you?

Today my PE teacher gave my class an assignment to make a collage about what we think is health or what makes us happy.
I sat down and scrolled through my tumblr and found some great pictures. I liked this assignment, so I thought I could write about what health is for me here.

I am that kind of person who loves challenges and making myself happy. One thing that really makes me happy and proud of myself is exercising, I think that it's pretty important to exercise and eat right, you feel so much better.
  Then of course health isn't just about exercising and eating right. I think it's equally important to take care of your mental health, as we all know without a good mental health your exercising isn't enough for your health. 

What lots of girls do nowadays is forgetting about the mental health, and that's most because they are so attached to having a good body that they forget about everything else. I think it's a big no, no. You should never forget about your mental health.
What many girls do is finding a model they want to look like. 

I do not say you shouldn't have a model as a goal I just say that you should try to think about your psychological health more. You don't have to think about the dream body all the time, you should try to make yourself happy meanwhile you are slowly reaching your goal 'The dream body'. A happy soul leads to a healthy body. 

Another thing I think is pretty important is confidence, especially in a teenage girls life. 
A girl with a good confidence is hard to find these days. The big question is, why is that?
 I myself believe that it has become such a big deal in the society, the size matters so much these days. Why judge people by size? That is as awful as racism. 

The confidence just fades away because girls doesn't appreciate their body and their beautiful shapes.
  Stop doing that, love yourself because who else will if you don't?

So start loving your body and make yourself happy everyday. Because everyday is your day, don't let anyone take your days away from you. 

(Why I wrote this in english is because I don't have the energy to write to long texts in two different languages, I'm a lazy bastard. Sorry)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A makeup tip

En stor favorit i min necessär. Läppstiftet kommer från Make up store och kostar runt 170 kr, väldigt mycket men det är väldigt värt pengarna. Det ger en naturlig look, färgen är inte så stark som på bilden (det blev väldigt rosa pga blixten, hade inte tid för att ta en mycket bättre bild) färgen går lite mer åt det gammaldags rosa färgen. Väldigt fint på och funkar till både den festliga looken och vardags looken.

/ A new favorite of mine. You can find it in Make up store, costs about 19€. It's expensive but worth it. The lipstick gives you a natural look and the color isn't that pink (the flash made the color look lighter, didn't have time to take better pictures). The color is a bit darker than in the picture, that is what makes it work as a casual lipstick and a dressy one as well. /

Tennis, Twilight and a loner

Ska strax dra mig mot tennishallen, bestämde mig för att skita i att plugga idag och bara umgås med mig själv (lät som världens loner), jag har vänner så ni vet. 

Efter träningen ska jag slänga i mig middag och sedan sova. Min bästa vän fyller år i morgon så då blir det bio och massa mys, självklart ska vi se den absolut sista Twilight filmen. Nå väl nu har jag inte så mycket tid på mig. Hörs!

/ Soon I'm going to my tennis practice. I decided not to study after school today, wanted to just hang out by myself (gosh I sound like a total loner), I have friends don't worry. After practice I'll eat dinner with my family and then go to bed. Tomorrow it's my best friends birthday so we are going to the cinema to watch the new Twilight movie. I have to get going, xo. /

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Its a boring text about my day

Hi mates!

Sitter och gör absolut ingenting. Ska nog städa undan lite i mitt rum sedan bege mig mot Annas place. Idag har jag för övrigt träffat henne och fikat två gånger, yes två gånger... Kalla mig vad ni vill.

I morgon måste jag sitta och klippa lite på vår kampanjfilm vi gör i skolan, sedan får vi se vad som sker. Men jag hör av mig i vilket fall som helst.


/ I'm doing absolutely nothing. Think I'm gonna clean up a bit in my room then go to Anna's place. I went to see her earlier today as well.
Tomorrow I have to clip our campaign film that we are making in school, then I'll see what happens. More update to come. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

This song is on repeat today

Feeling all grown up and stuff

Lite bilder ifrån min dag. Har hängt i den stora skolan, dvs min systers skola. Hade lite plugg att få klart så har gjort henne sällskap. Har inte riktigt så mycket att säga förutom att det är en så härlig stämning här, alla är så inne i sitt. Kan säga att jag nästan, men bara nästan längtar till högskolan. Ska gå tillbaka till min jätte intressanta (läs; tråkig) bok som min bästa svenska lärare har gett mig. 

P.s Uppdateringen är på topp, jag är stolt. 

/ Some pictures from today. I have spent the day in the Big school, namely my sisters college. Had some homework that needed to be finished so I joined her in her study-kingdom. It's quite nice here, now I have to get back to my interesting (read; boring) book.

P.s The update is great this week, I'm proud./ 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

As in the series Lost

Tänkte säga hej lite snabbt. Gick bara i skolan till 12, runt 1 åkte jag hem för att sedan åka iväg med mamma och pappa. Vi tog en runda och kollade på lite bilar sen handlade. Det var meningen att jag skulle spendera min kväll på ett fik med två vänner men vi flyttade det till en annan dag. Jag är helt enkelt för jävla trött, går runt och sover dag ut och dag in. Though life. Känner mig lika vilse som människorna i Lost. Btw en väldigt bra serie som ni bör kolla på om ni inte redan gör det. 

/ Wanted to say hi, finished school around 12 o'clock. Later I went looking at some cars with my parents. I was suppose to spend my evening with two friends, have coffee and just chill but we had to raincheck it for friday because we all are tired. I feel as lost as the people in the series Lost. Btw a really good series, if u haven't watched it do it now. /

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Spongebob Squarepants

För inte så länge sedan fick jag äntligen träffa min älskade Svampbob fyrkant. Vet inte hur jag ska förklara min kärlek till denna underbara kille, han är bäst. Mina sommarmorgnar bestod utav frukost och några avsnitt av Svampbob, helt klart bästa starten på morgonen någonsin. 

Har precis slagit mig ner efter en väldigt jobbig men skön dag. Skolan var tråkig som vanligt, bortsett från att min svenska lektion bestod utav Jacksgap-videos och tumblr. Har lite små läxor som väntar på att bli gjorda men det tar vi en annan dag, för just nu ska jag inte göra ett dugg. Ska faktiskt dricka te och äta mitt äpple sen kolla på någon bra serie.


/ Not so long ago I meet Spongebob Squarepants. I love that guy, my summer mornings consisted of breakfast and some Spongebob episodes. Really the best mornings ever!
  I have just settled down after a pretty rough day, but at the same time a pretty nice day. It was boring as hell in school, my swedish lession consisted of some Jacksgap-videos and tumblr. Pretty sweet.
Now I have to get back to my tea. /

Monday, November 5, 2012


Idag gick jag och träna med syrran, kändes så himla bra att svettas och pumpa bra musik i öronen. Känner mig så himla pigg och glad nu. Sitter faktiskt och kollar på Project Runway Sverige, håller tummarna för Naim och Robert G. De är så himla duktiga!

I morgon blir det ännu mer träning, tennis som står på schemat as usual. Älskar att träna, det gör mig så glad. Säger det inte för att låta som en nyttig tjej för det är jag inte men det är något som får mig att bli väldigt glad.
Funderar på att köpa mig ett par Nike free run 3.0, tänkt på det ett tag nu. Vill ha ett par till våren och sommaren, så himla snyggt och skönt.
Nej nu börjar mitt program, hörs.

/ Today I worked out with my sis, felt so good to sweat my ass off. I feel so good right now, happy and lively. I'm watching Project Runway Sweden, I hope Naim or Robert G wins. They are amazing designers.
Tennis is on the schedule tomorrow, as usual. Love training, it makes me so happy. I'm actually thinking of buying myself a pair of Nike free run 3.0 shoes. They are so cool, love them. Bye for now./

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Chocolate lover

Tänkte tipsa om en riktigt bra kroppsolja från The body shop, i stort sätt är alla deras produkter väldigt bra men denna är magisk. Den återfuktar huden och samtidigt luktar den gudomligt gott, det är njutning till 100% för de som är lika stora chokladälskare som jag. 

Något som kan få mig att le är choklad, jag menar det verkligen. Den ljuva doften av mörk choklad får mig att känna mig avslappnad, kan inte förklara min passion för choklad. Det är något som inte ens jag kan kontrollera. Behöver jag hjälp? Finns det någon chokladterapi och borde jag boka en tid? Haha godnatt fina läsare. 

/ I just wanted to tell you about the body shop's amazing body oil. All their products are great but this one is magical. It moisturizes your skin and hydrates it to, it smells like heaven and it's pure pleasure for chocolate-lovers. 
Something that makes me smile is chocolate. The smell of dark chocolate makes me feel relaxed, it something even I can't control. Should I get help? Does something as chocolate-therapy exist and should I consider it as an option? 
Goodnight my lovely readers/

Alexander Mqueen

Alexander Mqueen slår till, igen. Jag är helt kär i denna clutch, finner inga ord för hur perfekt den är. Något jag starkt gillar är den söta och tuffa stilen ihop, det ger ett så snyggt kontrast.

/ Alexander Mqueen does it, again. I'm totally in love with this clutch. Something I really like is the cute and tough style together, it gives a perfect contrast. /

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Last saturday

Tänkte bjuda på lite bilder ifrån förra lördagen. Hängde med syrran och ett gäng på en väldigt härlig fest med väldigt trevligt folk. Fler bilder lär komma upp från den helgen, hade en väldigt lyckad helg må jag säga. 

/ Thought it would be nice to show you some pictures from last saturday. Went with my sister and some friends to a party, meet some awesome people. I'll probably show more pictures from that weekend, it was an amazing weekend. /

Friday, November 2, 2012

I have decided.

Hej mina vänner! 
Som ni ser så skriver jag på svenska för första gången på denna blogg. Det är nytt för mig och er ska jag säga er, så varför har jag tagit detta beslut? Jo, dels för att jag känner att jag kan uttrycka mig på ett bättre sätt på svenska och för att jag vill skriva på båda språken. Jag kommer självklart att översätta texten till engelska så att andra också förstår.

Känner att jag ska börja ta tag i bloggen nu, det känns som att jag behöver yttra mig ibland. Jag har valt att inte vara så personlig i min blogg men vem vet, nu kanske jag börjar bjuda mer på mig själv. Vi lär se. Jag hör av mig om en liten stund. XO

Hi amigos!
As you see I'm writing in Swedish, that's a decision I have made. It's pretty new for me and you, so why have I made this decision? Well, because I feel like I can express myself better in swedish and because I want to write in swedish to. I'll always translate the text so others can understand. 
I feel like I want to start being more active with my blog, it feels like I need to express myself a bit more. I have chosen to not be so personal in my blog but who knows maybe it will change. We'll see. See you soon. XO

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Belgrade my love

Hola amigos!

I know I have been off a bit, but I haven't really had any inspiration to blog. Right now I'm sitting with my mum and watching tv, read about the hurricane Sandy that slams into U.S. east coast. I hope it wont damage that much and I hold my thumbs that the people will be fine.

I haven't done much today, went to the city with my friend. Bought some stuff and went home, it started raining as usual when I'm in the city. It's so cold in Sweden, I really have to get a thicker jacket, or I'll freeze to death.

I'm on my break now so it feels so good waking up and doing nothing but laying down eating breakfast and watching some series.

Muchos besos

Sunday, October 21, 2012

I want them all

Do I even have to say something?
I don't know if I have something to say, I mean these marvelous shoes talks for themselves. They are so perfect, and some of them are not that expensive.
  The ones I want the most I think is the burgundy ones, or maybe the green ones, or the black, or.. Okey I want them all. Why can't I become a millioner?

I have to go, need to get a bit smarter so I can register for 'Who wants to be a millionaire?'.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

In my bathroom cupboard

For days I have tried to live without a primer, and it has come to my knowledge that I can't live without it. I sound like a girl who can't go outside without make-up. It's not like that, trust me! I just think that the primer makes my skin perfect, and I mean P.E.R.F.E.C.T.

I have always used The Base from Lancome but today I bought this one from Smashbox. 
You're probably questioning why it's green? I learned today that it covers the redness, I don't have much of that redness but I bought the green one anyway. 

Just wanted to share it with you guys. Hope you're having a kick ass night.

// If you want to buy it you will find it here //