Saturday, February 16, 2013

Let it go

Hi you!

It has been a very long week with lots of stuff going on. So much can happen in just a week, your whole life can change, and that I have experienced this week. 
This week I have learned much and tried to get hold of my emotions that has been a mess lately. I have realized that some people aren't worth my time and I have discovered people that are worth my love, understanding and trust. I have also realized that I'm a person who always puts friends first and that is something I love but at the same time I have understood that I have to watch out because some people doesn't really deserve my time and me. It may sound a bit harsh but it's honest and from now on I want to be honest to the people I let take part of my life, those who I call friends. 
I have been hurt by my friends to many times now and I'm actually getting tired of being hurt, that's why I'm deleting them from my life. I have put so much thought to what I'm about to do and I feel like I have to think more about myself and my life from now on. People come and go all the time, some stay and some are ment to walk away, that is at least what I believe. I wont deny that I have had some beautiful moments with those friends but that was then and unfortunately we have to move forward every single day. I'll miss them, but sometimes things doesn't work out and you just have to accept that. Right now I need time and love from my friends and family.

 I'll update more tomorrow with some new pictures! XX 

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