Sunday, December 11, 2011

Balmain does it again.

Balmain does it again. No but really they have always amazed me with their clothes, love to just look and think thoughts like "One day I'm gonna wear a Balmain dress". 

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Greek sandals

Look what I found at net a porter. Wouldn't you wanna wear one of them with some crazy looking shorts and a trashy top? I know I would. I really love them, and the Greek design is freaking awesome. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bon voyage

Do you have a goal in life? Like a thing you look forward to and by that I don't mean summer and those sort of things. I mean things that you want to accomplish? 

I have a goal, actually me and my friend came up with that idea. We want to celebrate New years eve in Paris when we are around 20 years. I think that everybody should have a goal or things they want to do. Of course there are a lots of things I wanna do but this is one of those things. Life's to short, so just live it like it's gonna end tomorrow. 

Have a wonderful evening everybody. 

This is what you can find in my window. Ohh I'm in school and trying to study but I'm always finding myself doing other things than studying, like sleeping,talking,checking tumblr, twitter and facebook. Lol I'm so gonna kill myself before I finish high school.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hi there! I'm actually singing, I always do that when I'm bored and tired. Don't exactly have much to say just that the snow has come, it sounds so dramatic. XO

At school..

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Math makes me this angry...

Goodnight folks

Right now

There was only one left, well better then non. Bye bye
Fanny Lyckman /

Sunday, a pretty lazy sunday. I have Kelly Clarkson playing since this morning and a date with my ugly mathbook. Think I'm gonna break up with him any second now, we are not meant for each other. Nada more to say, just that I hope u have a great day and I'll see you soon with some new pics. 

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Inspiration from we<3it

Nea babe

Hi guys! Wanted to stop by and say hello. Gosh I miss my friend Nea so much!! She has been sick for a week and I really miss her hugs and just her sweetness. Hope she will be better and that she's coming back to school soon. I was in school today, and now I'm so freaking tired that I can't even keep my eyes open. Best friend is on her way over here, we are gonna watch a movie. Really need a time out from everything, don't really have power for parties and the weather is not the best here.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Ohh mamasita

Hi there! Just watched some new episodes of Charlie's Angels. Pretty awesome actually, love the series. Tonight I've no idea of what I'm gonna do with myself. Think I'm just gonna chill 'cause I'm going to school tomorrow, yes that's true! We have this thing at my school where next years first graders comes and checks out the school and things. So I have to be there. Well nada more to say just that have a gr8 friday and c'ya soon.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Candles + music + homework

I'm sitting with some homework to do. And how do you do it best? With right music. I took a christmas list on Spotify, felt like it was the perfect music today. We still don't have any snow in Stockholm, and that's really or extremely weird 'cause we always have snow in the beginning of December it always comes in like the middle of November so this is pretty weird. Walked around in converse today and it's December, Lol it was fun. Have to get going with the homework, c'ya sweeties.

Ben and Jerry's

Ohh B&J why can't you be in my hands right now? 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Princess and the frog

I'm sitting and watching an disney movie, princess and the frog. I love it. When it finishes I'm going to bed, I'm so tired and I feel like I don't have any power anymore. Me without power is like lemonade without any sugar. All sour and uuuughh.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Red and black

I have totally forgot to show you this so I thought why not now? I have so much going on right now that I don't know where to begin. Feel like it's to much of school,friends my family everything. Really need some time alone. W/e I'm just gonna deal with school first, hope u all have a great day and see you soon.

Monday, November 28, 2011

X-mas cup

I'm sittin' with my fat x-mas cup. I have missed it, and I can certainly tell u that chocolate milk ALWAYS makes me smile again. I have loved it since I was a kid, and I'll definitely never stop lovin' it. Well have to learn 62 words until tomorrow, sometimes english can be pretty BORING. XO

Gangstah in the bedroom

I'm lika gangstaaah babe. Sitting here with my m8 melinda. She's pretty stupid but what can I do about it? I'm right now singing all the words I'm writing (try it). BYE

Monday monday

It monday and I'm happy! Can't say that I hate mondays.. or not this week... Or not now. W/e c'ya in a bit. XOXO

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Something new

Bought it earlier today. And now I'm taking a bath, love sundays sometimes. 

Sundays inspiration

Love to find inspiring pictures on we<3it. What's up today? Hmm.. Studying, but not the whole day just like 1-2 h. It's a freaking storm outside, and my neighbors are renovating the kitchen so I can't really study here but I have to. FML. Well on the other side I'm pretty happy today, it doesn't seem that way but I'm. I have slept like 10 h, wuup. Ohh look my friend came online, skype is the shit. BYE

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Kiss my awesome heels

It's saturday and I'm alone at home. After todays practice I'm practically dead so to nite I'm chillin'. My m8's are certainly having a gr8 time at Jenny's place. Miss them 2 much. My bro is at her friends eating dinner and having fun Lol I'm such a Lonely wolf, LW. Well here u got some pic's hope u like them.

P.s I have searched 4 those shoes all over the world and now I found them in my sis wardrobe..Sigh..

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Gosh what I miss Greece and especially the sun. Well I don't have time for writing have to work on my homework that I haven't finished jet. C'ya later brothaas! 

Sunday, November 20, 2011


Gr8 sunday guys! I have had an amazing time this weekend. From late coffee to hard training. I'm so happy today. Weeeho have a gr8 day!!

P.s If you haven't listened to Rihanna's new songs do it RIGHT NOW!